Upload Videos

Sell Feet Videos

You can upload your videos via https://wetransfer.com/

P.S. We pay for only accepted quality videos. You can check Sample Videos here.

When you take videos, please hold your camera horizontally, not vertically.

If you haven’t applied yet, please use the following link in order to apply.
Foot Model Application Form

When you take videos, please keep your phone / camera horizontally!

  • The uploaded videos must be unique.
  • You cannot sell the uploaded videos anywhere else.
  • The videos should be in good quality and resolution must me 1920 x 1080 or 3840 x 2160 (4K)
  • The model must be at least 18 or more.
  • We pay for only accepted videos. The videos should be at least 5 minutes.
  • Your face should be visible in the videos.

Please use  https://wetransfer.com/ free app to send the videos. When you send the video clips, please use the following email address.
